So I haven’t posted in a while and that’s because I have been less than inspired. That is not to say I haven’t been creative. I have bread proofing in the oven as I write this. Yesterday I made some naan bread and the day before that I made a Galette des Rois which is this wonderful almond pastry thing. I even made the pastry myself using a pie crust recipe. It was the best pie crust I’ve ever made. Thanks Jaclyn Weber of Red Goose Gardens.
There is something inside of me right now that really wants
to create. I want to bake and garden and get back outside and start the growing
season again. I’m so happy the sun is out longer every day. I would didn’t say
I get SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) but my energy levels truly do decrease
in the winter time. Even though we’re getting these little snow storms the
sunlight and the increased temperatures do lift my spirits and I’m getting
antsy. I’m starting seeds for tomatoes and peppers and broccoli and a bunch of
herbs really soon (I just need to find my grow light).
Even though the tender fires of creation are moving in me, I
do not have the divine spark of inspiration. I have many ideas and stories about
which to write about but when I sit down to write out my thoughts or try to
outline/construct a story nothing sounds quite right to me. Even writing this
little blog post is difficult. I’m not exactly sure how to court the muses.
When I think about the times when I’ve had really great ideas it is often time
when I’m not thinking about writing. I generally see something, like a wall of
fog or a bee landing on my hand a bus stop and then words begin for form in my
mind as if out of the ether. From there it’s about piggy-backing on the original
idea and drawing on things like mythology, research, or whatever else needs to
be incorporated into the work.
The piece I’m working on now was inspired by the poem She Had Some Horses by Joy Harjo and a
story my mother told me about the time when she brought home our dog Jake. I’m
having trouble finishing the story because I feel that it wants to go into crazy/bizarre
places (like Venus) nd I want to ground it in a no-less strange but definitely different territory.
I’ve still a few days before I have to send it out and I believe I will have it
done by then (wish me luck though). And for those who subscribe to The LunacyProject I promise Greek Mythology is nowhere in sight.
Oh and did I mention the story I worked on last November
(the one about Polish Mythology/Folklore) has been nudging its way back into my
life. Not that I’ve been working on it but I can hear it calling to me from the
recesses of my hard-drive. Even though I’m hearing these callings and am
feeling pulled towards various writing endeavors I can’t get over the feeling
that everything I put down on paper sounds like shit. Sorry for the language
but that’s how I feel. I guess for the time I just have to let it be what it
is, continue to work on it and hopefully, with some skill and some luck,
something beautiful will emerge.
So where can the equinox help me. Equinox means equal night.
Today we are experiencing 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. This is a
great time to breathe deep and feel connected with stillness, the mindfulness,
and be in balance with our world. Because this is the spring time we need to move
forward on the exhale. Breathe deep the power of balance on this day. Feel it aligning
you with heaven and earth. All your parts fitting in place. Now breathe out momentum
and growth. This isn’t the summer time so there is no reason to bolt out of the
starting gate like a race horse. There will be time again for that kind of
intense movements. For now move with this season. Stretch towards the strengthen
sun; reach for the summer stars. Let the fires of the warming earth and sun fuel your work and your beautiful creations.
Breath in deep my friends, Spring is here!