So with the fire in the sky at its height and the fires in our lives being fueled by this cosmologicical occurrence. I see so many ways in which the season of summer is the season of the element Fire. Not only is it ridiculously hot some days but this is also the time of bon fires, cooking outdoors, getting great amount of work done, taking time for pleasure, doing what we and doing what we desire.
All of the word I’ve just mention fall under the heading of Fire. For a quick cosmologic break down of these and other words, I like to place them on or around the third chakra. Firstly I would say that with the element of fire comes the power of that element, which is Will or “to Will”. I right Will with a capital W for this is our larger will. The Divine Will. The work of this god in the Feary Tradition or in ceremonial witchcraft Knowledge and Conversation of One’s Own Guardian Angle (with was never a phrase which was meant to be taken literally but here we are). This our Will in the center of our third chakra I like to place the words Need and What on two points of the triangle and the word Desire where they converge. Just below the third but above the second chakra I like to place Passion.
Now there is a lot here. I’ve come to this diagram of the third chakra though studying various witchcraft traditions, basic charka study, contemplation and meditation. Wither these attributes of the third chakra are the petals on it, I’m not sure. But it works for me. I encourage you to work with this diagram, wither it be in mediation or contemplation. Ask yourself, how does my small will (getting up, brushing your teeth, going to work, showing up on time) fuel your larger Will (helping the poor, curing the sick, spending time with the elderly, growing food sustainably, what ever your True Will is)? How do your needs (food, water, shelter, clothing, love) and your wants (insert bigger wants (no oh I want some chocolate or a new pair of shoes) lead you to desires? How do your passions fuel your Will? Play around with these words and how they are all interconnected.
Other things to ask:
~Am I ignoring my desires because I cant accept my needs and wants?
~How am I engaging by Will by using my will?
~How am I not engaging by will and how is it affecting my Will?
~What wood are you feeding inner fire (what are you eating, how much exercise are you getting, how much down time do you give yourself so you don’t burn out)?
~Am I breathing deeply, giving my fire enough Oxygen.
These are just a few questions to ask yourself regarding your inner fire and your True Will. Perhaps you are at the point in life asking yourelf “Why am I here? What is my True Will”. These are very important questions as well. If this is your case, then take time to breath into the still place within your body, clam your mind however you chose to do so (mantra, chant, prayer) and listen to your Spirit. What is it telling you your Purpose is.
What makes your fire burn white hot?
Oops! I accidentally posted this the first time under my dad's account...
Ah, again, a wonderful meaningful post. I'll have to actually take time and try some different rituals and meditations. I don't know nearly enough. Loved your questions on Will, will, desire, needs, and wants. I've gotten pretty settled into my work schedule here, which is a safe, secure way to make money, and if I wanted, I could realistically settle down here and continue to do both of these jobs for the rest of my life, feasibly supporting an apartment and family...
but there is a larger Will here, and when it finds you, boy does it find you!
I think your restorative work with organic farming and spiritual development are huge and fantastic undertakings. Will.
And, man, I need to get back to editing one of those novels...
As far as the rest of it goes --
doing anything much for the first full moon of the solstice season tonight?
I'm glad your liking my posts. I've been working with this moon cycle pretty closely. I'm working on building physical strength during the waxing phase and starting tomorrow, the beginning of the waning phase, I'm working on releasing weight (physical and psychological). I'm going to do a little full moon ritual (cast a cirlce, drum on the bottom of my 10 quart pot, commune with Artemis, send love and blessing out to the world) you know, the usual. Have you planned on doing anything special for tonight?
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