We all have to work. By this I mean we all must produce. We produce carbon dioxide, sweat and other excrement’s simply by being alive. Western society says we must get a job to produce, to be effective members of the tribe. Jobs can come in many forms and it’s my belief that everyone has a purposeful job. This job is part of your ‘Great Work’ or your destiny. This work can take many forms as well; From creating great pieces of art or literature, cooking meals for your family, teaching children or other adults, or plowing fields.
So how does one know what their ‘True Will’ or ‘Great Work’ is? It comes from within. When you do something and it speaks to your soul. It completes you. It’s the activity that you do late into the night and get up the next morning wanting, willing to continue. It is pleasurable, not all the time, but over all one finds great joy and deep satisfaction at doing the labor. At times it might frustrate you or exhaust you to the point of fatigue. Ultimately, it is filling, enriching, and what calls you to action. It is not always the bootstrapping process which drains our energy. If some situation is continuously draining or causing bouts of excessive fatigue, then this is not the work you were meant to do. Your ‘Great Work’ is right there waiting for you. Every moment is just another perfect opportunity to do what your heart desires.
Take the next minute or too to reflect on what work or works make you whole or give you joy. Have you done them today? Are social pressers causing you to dismiss these desires as folly or invaluable? What would you have to stop doing in order to do this work? What are you willing to do today to get you closer to that goal?
Breathe in love.
Breathe out connection.
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1 comment:
I'm going to print this and put it on my closet door. It is so easy to forget this in the rush of school and career planning and bills and next steps...
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