Monday, May 28, 2012

A Forest of Courage in print... or so to speak et alt

My new piece, A Forest of Courage, is featured in the May 2012 edition of With Painted Words. It's short, less an 1,000 words, so check it out. With Painted Words was the first magazine to publish my work and I am so grateful to them for choosing another of my short stories. Support them and their contributors and supports (i.e. Pill Hill Press i.e. the people who published my story The Illumination of Queen Bees) with moneys or words of encouragement.  

P.S. BUGS! (the anthology where you may find The Illumination of Queen Bees) I've been told will be available for kindle/nook/e-readers someday. I thought that it would be available soon after its release but that seems not to be the case. If you don't want to buy a hard copy, you can help all of us contributors by easily clicking on the "Tell the Publisher" button on this page.

P.S.S. It is summer once again and I be working hard at Red Goose Gardens. This also means I will be updating the blog more often then... never... which has been the trend. So add me to your RSS feed. I'll be posting short segments of thing I will be submitting, the little bits of imaginative non-sense that form during my long hours in the fields, and general updates on what's going on I my life.  Check back often for a little bit of everything.

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